The Role of Stalmine-with-Staynall Parish Council
There are 3 tiers of Local Government - County Council, District Council and Parish Council. Councils are made up of individual Councillors, who are elected to serve the needs of their locality. Parish Councils represents the first tier of Local Government - the tier closest to local residents.
Local Authorities - Who Does What? County CouncilsStalmine-with-Staynall Parish Council comes under Lancashire County Council who has responsibility for:
- Children, education, and families
- Health and social care
- Transport and travel
- Roads, potholes, repairs, and gritting
- Recycling centres
- Fire and public safety
- Flooding
- Libraries and archives
- Trading standards
- Births, marriages, and deaths
For information on County Council services:
Phone: 0300 123 6701
Email: [email protected]
District Councils
Stalmine-with-Staynall Parish Council comes under Wyre Council who has responsibility for:
- Collection of council tax
- Bins, litter, and recycling collection
- Housing
- Planning applications
- Environmental health including noise and dog nuisances
- Leisure centres and play areas
- Parks and allotments
For more information on District Council Services:
Phone: 01253 891000
Email: [email protected]
Parish Councils
Parish Councils are set up and controlled by law and can only act if there is a legal power to do so. Parish Councils are often consulted on County and District issues such as planning applications, road improvements and changes to public transport. Parish Councils can provide vital local knowledge such as flooding concerns and transport and access problems.
Parish Councils are being encouraged to deliver more services and can also support local community groups and provide community activities. They also ensure that the principle authorities are aware of local concerns such as problems with potholes, highway visibility, litter and dog fouling.
Stalmine-with-Staynall Parish Council
Stalmine-with-Staynall Parish Council employs a Clerk/ Responsible Financial Officer (RFO) who is responsible for all the administrative work associated with the day to day running of the Parish Council.
The council also employs a Lengths Person, and they have a contracted Plants Person both whom are responsible for the up-keep within the Parish, by maintaining the grass verges, the plants, urns, public right of way areas, repairs to the parish council assets and many more up-keeping areas of the parish.
There are six local people who serve as Councillors on the Parish Council and give their time voluntarily. Elections to serve as a Parish Councillor are held every four years, unless there is a resignation when a casual vacancy will be advertised on the website and on the Parish Council notice boards which are situated at;
Carr Lane Stalmine
Near the bus stop at the end of Staynall Lane.

Hall Gate Lane Stalmine
Opposite the Seven Stars pub.

Meetings are held 11 times a year, as no meeting is held in the month of August, the meetings are held at Stalmine Village Hall. All meetings are open to the public and there is a period of time put aside at the beginning of each meeting for a period of public discussion where members of the public are able to express their views or ask questions.